Our team comprises certified technicians, providing quality assurance and a professional approach to our customers.
MKD Installations LLC Anchorage, AK, is a medical installation company located in Anchorage, Alaska. It offers a variety of medical installation services, including the installation of hospital equipment, electronic medical systems, and laboratory equipment. Our experienced team of experienced technicians is expert in their field, ensuring a safe and efficient installation of any medical equipment. Our team comprises certified technicians, providing quality assurance and a professional approach to our customers. Our services also include medical equipment relocation, setup, and maintenance services. We look to provide medical organizations with an efficient and cost-effective solution to their medical installation needs. We also offer various other services, such as preventive maintenance and technical diagnostics. Our commitment to customer service and satisfaction sets us apart from other medical installation companies.
Ready to help you for your home or business installation needs!
90427, Anchorage, AK 99509, Anchorage, AK, United States, Alaska
MKD Installations LLC desire to respond to every quote request from us within a day, Monday through Friday. If this isn’t the case, though, we appreciate your patience as we get a lot of emails every day.